J.S.S.Y's E-Commerce World

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The application of third party certification programme
Since e-commerce is launched, people are worried about the security of their sensitive information known by other person. Thus, some companies decided to implement the application of third party certification programme to protect their online business confidential information, conduct a secure e-commerce transaction and recover customers' confidence on e-commerce.

Third party [certificate authority/certification authorities (CA)] is the one who is issuing digital certificate in order to provide verification that your website does practically represent your company. The most famous 3rd party certification programme in Malaysia is provided by the MSC Trustgate.com Sdn Bhd, which is appointed as Asia's first VeriSign Authorised Training Centre.

In Malaysia, there are some applications of third party certification programme are:

VeriSign SSL Certificate
VeriSign is a trusted provider of Internet infrastructure services for the networking world. VeriSign is also the leading Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS) Certificate Authority which enables a secure e-commerce transaction, communications, and interactions for Web sites, intranets, and extranets.

SSL uses private key, published by VeriSign CA, to encrypt sensitive information during online transactions.Then, a Certificate Authority verifies the identity of the certificate owner when it is issued.

The benefits of VeriSign SSL Certificate are:

1. Can confirm that you are the one in a virtual world.
2. Encrypts information sent to and from your web server.
3. Information exchanged with you is private and entirely protected from being
viewed or tampered with.

VeriSign Secured® Seal
The VeriSign Secured Seal is part of VeriSign® SSL Service. SSL helps you deliver a secure and convenient way for interaction among internet users. Moreover, VeriSign Secured Seal is the most trusted security mark on the Internet and gains the confidence to complete electronic transactions.


WebTrust is an independent corporation that provides assurance that a web site meets AICPA/CICA defined criteria for Principles, which cover Business Practices & Disclosures, Transaction Integrity and Information Protection and Privacy. WebTrust ensures online disclosure of key practices and independently verifies that the business follows these practices. Besides, it also
helps to build customer confidence in electronic commerce.

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
PKI is a combination of software, encryption technologies and facilities that enhances security of electronic transactions. PKI is useful for ensuring authenticity and report integrity in electronic transactions by digital signature.

Above is just a few examples of third party certification programme in Malaysia. They play a important role in e-business and provide the security, scalability, and reliability to support digital interactions today and tomorrow. Hence, people can enjoy the benefits of e-commerce.



ic, no wonder on the bottom these bank website also got the CA application icon la, is give the confident to their customer for e-transaction... =~=

Agree, CA certification programme play a main role for e-commerce, especially for those e-transaction company. it also increase the security of disclose any info to outsider without owner consent.

wow, next time i must look the website izit got these icon first. cz i always e-shopping. :p

yes, we must look carefully the website izit have these third party certification icon, because nowaday many fraud are happened online.

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