J.S.S.Y's E-Commerce World

Embark on our e-commerce world and enjoy your learning process...

Hello, peepz!
Welcome to J.S.S.Y. We are glad that we've been given this opportunity to create a blog for our
E-Commerce assignment. We believe that by the end of this assignment we will become
well-versed with webloging. Besides that, we are here to share with you some thoughts of
E-Commerce and hoping that you may find them useful. So, if you have any quiries about topics
being posted, please do not hesitate to post your comments or suggestions to us.
Thanks for visiting our blog.
Have A Nice Day.

Here's a brief introduction about ourselves..


Hello, I'm Julianna Savrimuthu or better known as Julie. As for me, I do plenty of things to kill my free time. Topping the list would be having lenghty yet meaningful converstion or discussion with my friends about current issues that relates to us in a way or other. I believe that communication is the most powerful tool that every individual should possess. Communication also gives us the ability to look into things in different perspectives. Other than that, i also love going for movies with my friends. We watch all kinda movie from romantic comedy up to horror movies. But no matter what, there's only one thing that i love doing the most with my girls.. and it is what all girls are said to be born-experts in. What else could it be if its not SHOPPING! I love to shop like every girls do, and most of the time I and my two beloved friends end up shopping for shoes, clothes and bags or even just window shopping at nearby malls.. Well, thats a short description of what i love to do when i have spare time. Websites that I visit the most are socialising networks such as
http://www.facebook.com/ and http://www.friendster.com/. I keep in touch and find new friends through these websites. Besides that, when Im working on assignment or projects, I get most my resources from http://www.google.com/ and http://www.wikipedia.com/ , as it provides me with the most appropriate and exact information Im looking for on my first click itself. Other than that, for fast reference on words or to learn new vocabulory I acquire the help of http://www.dictionary.com/

Ola everyone! Most people call me Subha because my good name is too long (10 alphabets!!) Well, I'm book-lover and some of my favourites are Dan Brown who came up with his masterpiece- Da Vinci Code and Cecilia Ahern with her romantic catch- PS, I Love You. Besides indulging myself with books, I'm a foodie too - live to eat kinda person. Do you know that one can learn more about other cultures from their food, interesting fact isn't it. I love hanging out with my friends and cherishing all those beautiful moments especially with my besties. Making new friends is exciting because one can expand their horizon. Here, I would like to share the top 5 websites in my list. First two would be http://www.google.com/ and http://www.wikipedia.com/ which are my ultimate guidance to answer all my queries. Next in the line will be http://www.facebook.com/ and http://www.yahoomail.com/. These websites builds a bridge for me to connect with my buddies eventhough distance keeps us apart. Last but not least is http://wble.utar.edu.my/ is the website where I am able to access all my studying materials just a click away.

Hey guys, I'm Sivasankari Asokan. Well, one of my most favorite pass time is dancing. I dance for any kinda song that has fast beat. I'm a person who love to hang out with my best friends. We hang out almost everyday right after our college. We usually go for a movie, shopping and meet up just like that without any reasons. I cherish every moment when I'm with them. Besides that, when I'm at home, I hang on the phone with my friends. We'll have a very long chat about everything that happens around. Music is my 'best friend' when I'm really bored at home. I love listening to any songs with great music. Moreover, I love playing in the rain because its really fun. Sadly my mom doesn't like it but i don't really bother much about it. Last but no least, for some reasons i watch football and thats only when Arsenal plays. Well, thats all I guess about myself and my interest. The top five website that I always visit is non other than www.facebook.com and www.friendster.com. These websites help to me keep in touch with my close friends. Moreover, through these websites I managed to find my childhood friends that I have lost contact and expand my friends network by getting to know people from different places. I can also get to know my friends latest updates via these websites. Secondly is www.youtube.com. I visit this website frequently because I love watching song clips and funny videos. Next, I got to agree that I have a huge interest on getting to know about general stuffs like religions, ancient worlds, and so on. therefore, www.wikipedia.com will be my first website that I'll refer. I must admit that this website have been giving me lots of interesting information.Lastly, www.google.com will be my savior if I have assignments to be completed. I surf google search engine to obtain informations regarding my assignments and also general knowledge.

Hi, I'm Yoong Wei Siang. You can address me as Wei Siang. My hobby is reading comics. Comics that i read the most are one piece, naruto, bleach and other hot comics. Besides that, i also like chatting online (gossip), listening to music, and browsing the Internet. The top 5 websites that i always visit are http://www.99770.com/ (comic), http://www.facebook.com/com/ (friendship network), http://www.youtube.com/ (video),http://wble.utar.edu.my/ (update my study notes) and http://cforum2.cari.com.my/ (cari forum). Since I started studying in university, browsing the net have become my daily activity . Apart from that, i also often chat with my friends by using msn or skype, especially during the rush hour for assignment dateline. Unfortunetly, now I have moved to a new apartment which doesn't have internet connection and sadly i cannot go online anymore. "No online, no life".. :(


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Hi! Welcome to our E-Commerce Blog. We are students from University Tunku Abdul Rahman, BAC Group 12. Starting from today, we will be sharing our knowlegde about E-Commerce by posting some related blogs. Hope it will be informative to you. Do send us your comments. Thank You.