J.S.S.Y's E-Commerce World

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What is E-Government?
Definitions of e-government is “the use of information technology to free movement of information to overcome the physical bounds of traditional paper and physical based systems” to “the use of technology to enhance the access to and delivery of government services to benefit citizens, business partners and employees.” E-government involves the automation or computerization of existing paper-based procedures that will prompt new styles of leadership, new ways of debating and deciding strategies, new ways of transacting business, new ways of listening to citizens and communities, and new ways of organizing and delivering information.

E-government aims to enhance access to and delivery of government services to benefit citizens. More important, it aims to help strengthen government’s drive toward effective governance and increased transparency to better manage a country’s social and economic resources for development.

There are four types of E-government services:

  • Government-to-Citizen (G2C) - online non-commercial interaction between local and central Government and private individuals.
  • Government-to-Business (G2B) - online non-commercial interaction between local and central government and the commercial business sector.
  • Government-to-employee (G2E) - online non-commercial interaction between local and government and the employees.
  • Government-to-employee (G2G) - online non-commercial interaction between Government organisations, departments, and authorities and other Government organisations, departments, and authorities.

Implemetation Of E-Government
Most e-government project implementations are currently in progress. Here are some major e-government projects:

Generic Office Enviroment (GEO) is to introduce a fully integrated, distributed and scalable office environment that uses the multimedia information technology.The GEO project consist of Enterprise-Wide Information Management System (EIMS) module which provides a universal interface for users to manage, find, retrieve and compose the information they need in their day to day operation.

Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS) provides single interface for government employees to perform human resource functions effectively and efficiently. Furthermore, it helps to standardize all human resource processes for federal state, statutory bodies and local authority services. This system also provides transactional functions such as leave application, loan processing and selection of employees.

Project Monitoring System (PMS) is one of r-government project. It creates a mechanism to monitor project implementation throughout various government agencies and statutory bodies. This system is designed to monitor the implementation of the government projects and serves as a platform for exchanging ideas and demonstrating best practices model in information management and communication services.

Electronic Service Directory (eServices) is a project that allows citizens of Malaysia to engage in transactions with government and utilities payments such as telephone and electricity bills and police summons. These services can be assessed through multi channel service delivery such as internet and kiosk machines.

Electronic Labor Exchange (ELX) is to improve mobilisation of human resource and optimize work force utilization through systematic matching of job seekers to job opportunities. This would enable Ministry of Human Resource (MOHR) to be one stop centre for labor market information that will be accessible to the public.

Citizen Adoption Strategies

Government can launch various programmes, or even create attractive advertisements to educate the public about e-government projects and the services that are available online. By carrying out all these activities, the citizens will be enthusiastic about the usage of e-government portals.

Innovation and application used must be compatible with the citizen's needs, experience and values. When the e-government portals are easy to use and compatible to its users, public are enabled to interact with the government or businesses without physically doing it. This saves a lot of time, especially the queuing time .

Accuracy and security of information
The government must make sure that information provided to the citizens must be accurate, relevant and timely. In addition, the technology and security measures that supports the services must be advanced to protect citizens' personal data.

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