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How Safe Is Our Data?

These days, online security is one of the biggest challenge on the Internet. The problem is that the person who wants to attack one's computer can easily access into one's system by focusing on the common security failures. So the best thing a person can do is to use security software and hardware such as firewall and authentication servers to protect their computers and their personal information. However, there are new viruses and security threats that are being launched all over the Internet almost everyday. This calls for a need to update programs that can be updated continuously which does not focuses on one specific type of problem, rather looks into all possible problems. So it is best to chose hardware and software that will update automatically when one's on the Internet.

The main online security threats are as follows:

Cybercrime is an illegal activity commited on the Internet. Computer nowadays are being misused for illegal activities like e-mail espionage, credit card fraud, spams and software piracy to name a few. This act is carried out by people who have advanced computer knowledge and network skills like hackers, crackers and coporate spies to get access into computers and misuse private data and information.

Phishing is a fraudulent attempt, usually made through email to steal a person's personal information. Phishing email normally appear as though it comes from a well known organization and ask for one's personal information like credit card number, social security number, bank account number and passwords. This kind of email would almost always ask one to click on a link that takes them to a site where they will have to key in their personal information. We must always bare in mind that legitimate organizations would never request any personal information via email.

Internet and network connections are highly being effected by malicious software (malware). Malware is a wide category of software which is installed in one's computer without their permission. This sofware can damage or spy on a computer's activities. The most common types of malware are trojan, worms and viruses. Symptoms of malware infections are pop up ads, general slowdown, or browsers redicects to unwanted websites. Malware can disrupt work or normal operations of the system by causing a denial of service (DOS), corrupting data, taking up system resouces and consuming network bandwidth. Besides that, users will also be facing difficulaties to shut down or restart their computers.

A backdoor is a means of access to a computer program that bypassess security mechanisms to steal, destroy or even misuse information and data available in the system. A programmer may sometimes install a backdoor so that the program can be accessed for troubleshooting or other purposes. However, attackers often use backdoor that they detect or install themselves. Besides that, attackers also sometimes design worms that takes advantage of a backdoor created by an earlier attacker.


What we suggest is that every user need to have a multi-layered defence to keep them out from these threats. Each user should :

Have a security software like anti-virus, anti-spyware and a firewall or a security suite that includes all three.

Update their conputers, block spam emails and and use an up to date web browser which will make it harder for the attackers to get into the specific users computer system.

Make a regular backup of their music, pictures and other files incase of emergancies.

Not use their computers in an administrative mode. Its better to make a user account and log-in with that on a day to day basis.

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